The Design and Communication Graphics course makes a unique contribution to the student’s
Cognitive and practical skills development. These skills include;
- graphicacy/graphic communication,
- creative problem solving,
- spatial abilities/visualisation,
- design capabilities,
- computer graphics and CAD modelling.
The creative and decision-making capabilities of students in the activities associated with design are developed through three principal areas of study:
- design and communication graphics
- plane and descriptive geometries,
- applied graphics
It is intended to develop the creative thinking and problem solving abilities of students.
There are two assessment components:
- A student assignment (40% of the examination marks, of which CAD will form a significant and compulsory component)
- A terminal examination paper (60% of the examination marks)
- The assignment will relate to a theme identified by the examining authority.
- A different theme will apply at Higher and Ordinary levels.
- Students must then proceed to develop a design or project brief in accordance with specified parameters.
Terminal exam
- The terminal exam follows the same pattern as the Junior Certificate with one section on short questions and another on long questions.
- Some topics will be a continuation of topics studied in the Junior Cert such as orthographic projection while others will be completely new.
What is required of a student wishing to do DCG for Leaving Cert
- Students should have taken Technical Graphics to Junior Cert level
- Be self-motivated to do well
- Be willing and capable of working hard on their own
- Have a love for the subject
- Have an interest in problem solving (Maths etc.)
- Have an interest in digital media i.e. SolidWorks, CAD etc.
Career Possibilities
DCG is a core element of many 3rd level options including Engineering, Construction and Architecture and knowledge of this subject will greatly enhance a student’s ability in any 3rd level engineering based programme. All apprenticeships include the study of detailed technical drawings.